Home / Palo: African Ritual in Cuba

Palo: African Ritual in Cuba

A Cuban woman sells natural objects (shells, plants, feathers,…) considered as magic elements in the Palo religion, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, August 1, 2009. The Palo religion (Las Reglas de Congo) belongs to the group of syncretic religions which developed in Cuba amongst the black slaves, originally brought from Congo during the colonial period. Palo, having its roots in spiritual concepts of the indigenous people in Africa, worships the spirits and natural powers but can often give them faces and names known from the Christian dogma. Although there have been strong religious restrictions during the decades of the Cuban Revolution, the majority of Cubans still consult their problems with practitioners of some Afro Cuban religion.

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Periodista oficial primero (1974-94) e independiente a partir de 1995. Desde noviembre de 2003 vive en Lucerna, Suiza. Todos los días, a primera hora, lee la prensa online. No se pierde los telediarios ni las grandes coberturas informativas por TVE, CNN International y BBC World. Se mantiene al tanto de la actualidad suiza a través de Swissinfo, el canal SF-1 y la Radio Svizzera, que trasmite en italiano las 24 horas. Le gusta escuchar música cubana, brasileña y americana. Lo último leído han sido los dos libros de Barack Obama. Email: taniaquintero3@hotmail.com


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